
Letter to stakeholders

2021 was a very important year for Lutech and taught us, or perhaps reminded us, how in today's interconnected world there are no problems that do not concern us: the social, economic, and environmental consequences of the climate crisis and pandemic, the lack of raw materials are global phenomena that can only be effectively addressed by collaborating with one another.

With the acquisition of Lutech S.p.A by the APAX fund, which took over from OEP in June 2021, we began a new path of growth with very ambitious goals, knowing that being part of such an important fund is the result of the synergistic work of the team as a whole. Taking up a metaphor we often use, we now "find ourselves playing another league," more challenging, more complex, with new goals.

Lutech S.p.A is at the beginning of a new cycle: our Bigger Game that, with the breadth of our expertise, will see us support our clients in the transformation of their business processes in an increasingly integrated and adaptive way, with new rules and new perspectives that take into account the great changes taking place in the world in the environmental, social, and ethical spheres.

With the publication of this first edition of the Sustainability Report 2021, we intend to announce to all stakeholders -employees, collaborators, customers, partners, owners, investors, and communities - our concrete commitment to ESG, initiating a structured path of environmental, social and ethical responsibility that will set concrete goals for our transformation towards a business model in open dialogue with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda (SDGs).

We have therefore built an organic and structured strategy that establishes organizational goals and responsibilities in the ESG sphere, specified in a series of projects some of which will be consolidated as early as 2022 for Lutech SpA, with a gradual extension of the effects to all subsidiaries that are part of the Lutech Group.

More specifically, in the area of environmental impact, it will be a priority for us to consolidate existing certifications, deepen the relationship with our suppliers to bring out socially and environmentally virtuous behaviors, and finally, reduce the environmental impacts of our offices and operations.

Regarding the social impacts of our corporate behaviors, the effort will be aimed at rebalancing the private and work dimensions of our employees, focusing on their professional and personal growth. In addition, we will strive to reduce inequalities and differences within us, striving to make the company even more inclusive and sensitive to the issue of diversity, in open dialogue - on this - with our territories and communities of reference.

Finally, in the Governance area, we will work for better gender representation at the management level and for the recognition of certifications that attest to our commitment in terms of transparency and anti-corruption.

These are just some of the aspects on which, starting from a series of present but unstructured Corporate Social Responsibility paths, we intend to strengthen our ESG profile starting from the definition of a shared path among all operations on these issues of growing importance.

No winning company can shy away from measuring and becoming aware of its impacts with a view to continuous improvement. What you will find detailed in this document are our first concrete steps that, we are confident, will lead us to become a role model for sustainability in the world of ICT services.


Executive Chairman of Lutech Group