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B2B Digital Transformation

"Make your company easier to do business with"

Improving the customer experience of buyers and making it as easy as possible to do business with your company is at the heart of every Sales & Marketing Digital Transformation journey.

Depending on the specifics of each sector, from the production of consumer goodscomponents, and semi-finished products, to industrial/plant engineering, innovation in processes and the interactions between companies and B2B customers involves customized and prioritized steps:

  • Presenting your company and its products on the digital channel
  • Making information about their characteristics and availability reachable 24/7
  • Recreating customized sales conditions for each customer on all channels

Lutech, thanks to the experience of a dedicated team of consultants and in partnership with the best technology vendors, SAP and Informatica in particular, designs and implements projects and solutions that allow B2B companies to:

  • Manage the different business models (B2B, B2B2X, with or without agent network) within a single environmen
  • Operate with a single tool in different channels and markets (e.g. by catalogs, price lists, supply logic, nationality etc.)
  • Improve sales strategy effectiveness thanks to the information obtained from marketing, communicating contextual, consistent and relevant content to the customer throughout the user path.

To improve conversion and loyalty in the B2B market, Lutech simplifies and strengthens sales channels with services and solutions for:

  • Assessment & Business Requirements Consulting
  • B2B E-commerce and Digital Catalog
  • SEO Strategy & Monitoring
  • Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)
  • Customer Data HUB

By 2020, 57%
of buyers

will change suppliers that fail to anticipate their needs

Focus on: B2B Digital Transformation Challenge

What are the advantages of Lutech’s Sales & Marketing Digital Transformation offering for B2B companies?

  • Facilitate and speed up the opening of new markets through direct engagement
  • Sell on the digital channel both directly and through agents and/or distributors (B2B2X)
  • Directly inform customers by highlighting the added value of the offering, in line with sales policies
  • Reduce selling costs
  •  Help accounts and distributors to choose and market products
  • Customize the offering according to the customer and trends, also in support of sales
  • Manage new business relationships with direct end-customer contact
  • Analyze behaviors deriving from sales data, navigation, and response to marketing activities, to reduce the loss of customers

B2B E-commerce and Digital Catalog

Case History

B2B E-commerce and Digital Catalog for the component sector

@1xANTEPRIMA Case Study ELESA Discover more

B2B company’ e-commerce websites aim to present their offering first via a digital catalog, which can be consulted either via the sales and/or distributor network, or directly and in self-service mode right through to purchase. The advantages of this route on the digital channel, which Lutech handles thanks to the strength of its partnership with SAP and the best vendors, are concrete:

  • Interactions with new customers and new markets through the display of a multi-country, multi-language, multi-currency digital catalog available online 24/7 from any location.
  • Presentation of the product and service offering with complete information and descriptions, images, navigable 2D/3D models, assembly drawings, downloadable component vector files, multimedia, files, and so on.
  • Improved after-sales support, with maintenance technicians, working on the installations having mobile access to the necessary information thanks to PWA, and online access to the spare parts, accessories or consumables catalogs.
  • Customized management of content, price lists, contracts, promotions based on each customer’s specific conditions, or based on behavior
  • Centralized, flexible and optimized order and payment flow management, also with reorder functions (quick order, automated purchase reminder workflow, product suggestion)
  • Access to customer inventory and history

 The basis of the B2B digital presence is the display of a complete and updated digital catalog: highlighting the advantages of the products and increasing their perceived value to allow sales with higher margins is a crucial competitive factor.

New customer can find businesses via their online catalog, overcoming the limits of traditional trade fairs and exhibitions. With the best Product Information Management (PIM) solutions, such as Informatica MDM Product 360, Lutech:

  • Builds rich and substantial product digital identities, supporting the search for new business opportunities, in a virtuous circle with SEO
  • Manages product information updates faster and in a more centralized manner, for a competitive time to market
  • Allows the creation of customized catalogs for each customer

Configure Price Quote solutions

Creating customized solutions and offering through to the configuration of thousands of references to meet customer requirements is one of the strengths of engagement and selling on the digital channel. Thanks to advanced CPQ solutions, we are able to:

  • Allow clients to quickly and independently design configurable solutions: analyzing the functional specifications, selecting the components that meet requirements, solving interdependencies and integrating everything into a custom solution.
  • Generating quotes more quickly, accelerating the sales cycle.
  • Optimize sales effectiveness for higher margins.

Customer Data Hub

Advanced corporate data governance solutions allow you to manage data-driven processes to generate value from any corporate information. Lutech handles Customer Data HUB project management with the aim of:

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Digital Services for your future


Case history

Optimization of the time to market and faster order processes for buyers thanks to the B2B Digital Transformation project for the component sector


Perspectives and trends on Digital Transformation

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