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Salesforce Net Zero Cloud

Are you ready for corporate sustainability reporting (CSRD)? 
Find out how to achieve carbon neutrality through a single centralized platform

The new European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - CSRD, covers new ways of producing and presenting Sustainability Reporting, amending the existing regulations on non-financial reporting (EU Directive 95/2014 on the disclosure of non-financial information (NFRD) and amending EU Directive 34/2013 on reporting requirements for annual and consolidated financial statements).

But how do you manage your company's social and environmental impact and monitor progress toward the Net Zero goal?

Fulfilling legal obligations and integrating sustainability into one's long-term strategy requires an analytical and structured ESG approach and a dedicated sustainability information system, and it is against this backdrop that the Lutech Group offers guidance for an end-to-end path at the heart of which is Salesforce Net Zero Cloud, the centralized platform that in a single view allows you to improve carbon neutrality goals and measure results in real time.

CSRD deadlines

Group 1: 2024

Balance 2025 on 2024 data, Large listed companies, banks and insurance companies already subject to old EU Directive 95/2014

Group 2: 2025

Balance 2026 on 2025 data: Large enterprises not subject to old directive and meeting two of the following three requirements:

• 250 average employees per year;

• 25 million € total assets;

• 50 million € in sales revenue

Group 3: 2026

Balance 2027 on 2026 data: listed SMEs (possible exemption until 2028 - Opt-out option) and small credit institutions/captivey insurance companies

Group 4: 2027

Balance 2028 on 2027 data: non-EU enterprises subject to CSRD

By relying on the guidance of Lutech and Salesforce you will be guided in defining a new approach to sustainability and setting a path to discover:

  • What are the deadlines and reporting requirements facing companies in compliance with the new European sustainability regulation (CSRD)
  • How to manage the company's social-environmental impact from an ESG perspective through analysis, benchmarking, forecasting, and automated monitoring of net-zero progress on a single platform
  • How to integrate information based on accounting and operations data, giving regulators, customers, employees, and investors a clear picture of the ESG path undertaken
  • How to effectively measure, reduce, and offset CO2 emissions through policy suggestions for their reduction 
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