Big Cover Legal&Policies

Model 231 and Anti-Bribery Policy

D.LGS. 231/01

Lutech SpA has adopted an Organisation, Management and Control Model to prevent the commission of the offences provided for by Legislative Decree 231/01 (Liability of legal persons in the event of the commission of an offence in the interest or to the advantage of the Company by persons who have a functional relationship with the Company, such as Directors, Executives, Employees, Collaborators, etc.).
The Code of Ethics represents a precise commitment of the Company towards all interested parties and identifies the ethical, regulatory and behavioural principles underlying all the activities carried out by the persons involved in any capacity, each within the scope of their functions and responsibilities.

Code of Ethics ex Lgs.D. 231/01 and ISO 37001

Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners

Organisation, Management and Control Model – General Part

Anti-Bribery Policy

ISO 37001 Disciplinary System
