BigCover Cloud

Hybrid Work & Digital Workplace

Unified Communication and Collaboration Solutions, Document Management and Workflow Management to work more and more efficiently

From remote or smart working to Hybrid working

How to integrate and standardize the communication, productivity and engagement tools of teams working in different places?

This is the challenge that private and public companies have to face in an era in which the use of hybrid working is increasingly emerging, i.e. a new normality of work in which places, methods and times are integrated in a flexible and efficient way.

The transition to a truly "hybrid" work environment, in a combination of remote workers and workers in presence, is proving to have a much more impact on an organizational and technological level for companies than the transition, already experienced in the Covid emergency, to " simple "remote or smart working in which all team members were operating remotely.

If the challenge at the beginning of 2020 was in fact to adopt already existing technologies as quickly as possible and therefore update the processes, today the real issue is to equip oneself with integrated platforms able to stimulate and monitor both the aspect of collaboration and that of performance, making leverages on new forms of communication and interaction that are more scheduled and can be planned on the one hand, but which nevertheless give a boost to innovation, hitherto traditionally associated with spontaneous and face-to-face relationships and exchanges.

Productivity and creative thinking can and must coexist thanks to the new Hybrid Working solutions and technologies

Discover Lutech's expertise in Hybrid Working solutions

Le tecnologie per l’Hybrid working

To ensure productivity, collaboration and communication from anywhere, overcoming data silos, the technologies underlying a Hybrid working path integrate various areas, which the skills of Lutech professionals cover in an end-to-end manner, from the analysis and assessment, from the project execution phase, up to the AM and continuous optimization phase:

  • Cyber Security
    Protecting your company and therefore your employees from online threats and risks, wherever they work, in a context in which malware and ransomware are increasingly advanced and frequent, is now essential. SD-WAN firewall for workstation virtualization, endpoint and VPN cybersecurity, as well as shared email and password security protocols and systems, are just some of the solutions underlying a reasoned and preventive approach.
  • Safety e Smart Security
    To ensure office rotation, Building Automation and Optimization solutions are required, based on IoT and Artificial Intelligence, to manage spaces and people within the workplace, to automatically monitor gates, entrances, distances between people, as well as the values linked to maximizing efficiency in the use of space and resources.
  • Unified Communication and Collaboration
    Only synchronized and connected teams are the lifeblood to propose innovation to your company and therefore to customers. Knowledge Sharing, File Sharing, document digitization and document management, project management, Virtual Meeting solutions, as well as, of course, email and instant messages, allow you to build shared experiences in the short and long term that allow hybrid teams to contribute equally to corporate performance.

With regard to UCC (Unified Communication and Collaboration) solutions, Lutech can guide and support companies in building a 360 ° strategy and implementing projects and solutions from the best technological partners in the field:

Create your digital workplace

Designed specifically for hybrid work, the Webex by Cisco suite includes meeting, calling, messaging, event, poll, whiteboard and artificial intelligence capabilities.

webex logo

Collaboration Platform and Intranet

Microsoft SharePoint

Thanks to a consolidated expertise in the creation of collaboration portals, Lutech helps companies to improve employee communication and connection.

sharepoint logo

Simplifying collaboration within and outside the team, organizing company data and know-how, improving the search and availability of documents, information and company news are the main objectives of intranet and collaboration solutions.

A single point of collection and sharing of company information, documents and data relating to projects to be managed for customers allows work teams to collaborate, communicate and solve problems by optimizing time and productivity and to remain updated and involved throughout the business organization, from the aspects of marketing, hr, compliance, etc.
The creation of a Digital Workplace Hub in which internal communication, collaborative environment, business applications are integrated (process management workflow, file & knowledge sharing, ...) makes the company Intranet space truly alive and participated, while still guaranteeing differentiated access and protected data and the simplification of company approval processes.

Discover Lutech's expertise in Hybrid Working solutions

Document management

ARXivar is a modular and complete platform (software) for the management of company information, document archiving, dematerialization and replacement storage in accordance with the law, electronic invoicing, graphometric signature, PEC, workflow management.


Nell’ambito delle soluzioni di collaboration e di knowledge sharing le soluzioni di document management, da integrare all’interno dell’ecosistema UCC, hanno un ruolo cruciale e possono assolvere a funzionalità che vanno dall’organizzazione razionalizzata e ottimizzata delle informazioni aziendali, alla fatturazione elettronica, archiviazione documenti, dematerializzazione, conservazione sostitutiva a norma di legge, firma grafometrica, PEC, gestione processi (GDPR, qualità ecc), portando diversi vantaggi:

  • organize information in files or files to work in a simple and optimized way
  • insert information where and when it is needed within automatic workflows to maximize performance
  • keep computerized documents to ensure full digital management and ensure legal value

Document management and dematerialization solutions must not only guarantee the availability of paper information, but also its conservation in accordance with the law, overcoming problems such as conservation status, physical space, dispersion and duplication of information.

Workflow management

Workflow management solutions organize the tasks and activities of the people involved in a work process in an automated and coordinated manner according to pre-established models, with the advantage of:

  • Support, simplify and automate repetitive processes and tasks
  • Manage the follow up of uncompleted activities in the process
  • Provide an overview of the workflow together with performance metrics
  • Optimize efficiency, also identifying bottlenecks and areas for improvement

The areas of workflow management in which Lutech has strong expertise are many: from the accounting and publication / consultation processes in the banking sector, to the management and verification of suitability of applicants for financing in the financial sector, to the processes of training and approving the budget, management of purchase orders and automation of sales processes.

Create your digital workplace

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