

Business Continuity First

The Telco sector is experiencing ever-more intensive use of telecommunications infrastructure, in particular for mobile networks, due to the development of the number of terminals and social applications, with an increasing demand for transmission bandwidth. At the heart of the sector's dynamics, however, is a competitiveness increasingly based on pricing, logic, meaning that operators seek to maximize network resources (which cannot grow in capacity at the same rate as applications).

According to this logic, the real challenge becomes the implementation of innovative and flexible infrastructures that minimize time to market of new services, as well as allowing automation in all business processes.

Network performance, advanced connectivity services and excellent customer support are, alongside price, the differentiating factors for players in this sector: guaranteeing the best customer experience is in fact crucial, as is monitoring customer satisfaction, given that one of the major critical factors for Telco operators is very high customer churn. Customers, like for any sector, remain at the center of all developments and strategies.


The value of Network Infrastructure Management for mobile network carriers

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Telco sector trends and focus

Case History

Improving Telco customer care with Natural Language Processing (NLP)

@1xANTEPRIMA Case Study ticket clustering Discover more

What are the trends and the areas of attention for the Telco sector according to Lutech’s team of experts?

  • 5G - 5G technology will allow Telco companies to generate new business opportunities (such as smart cities, IoT and Edge computing) that will enable new applications for industrial automation, video content distribution and all applications requiring low latency, including VR/AR applications.
  • Cybersecurity - The security of networks, applications and personal data of users that are hosted on operators’ infrastructures continues to be a key element given the increasing focus on personal data protection and GDPR compliance.
  • Cloud transformation - Infrastructure modernization with the transition from on premises models involves network operators in a major way: Network function virtualization (NFV) and the related Cloud model is an important issue given the need to optimize and make resource usage flexible. As in other sectors, hybrid cloud models are seeing increasing use, as they are able to flexibly use IaaS or SaaS services of major public cloud players, thus reducing time to market.
  • Automation - Process automation with Artificial Intelligence techniques and adoption of DevOps methodologies will be increasingly important issues given the need to optimize operating costs.
  • BlockChain technology is one of the emerging trends in telco, as it enables innovative applications in the field of “smart contracts” such as: resource usage charging, certification of consent to data processing, economic transactions.

End-to-end services for digital evolution of Telco operators

Lutech has the technological expertise and experience to address the most sensitive issues on the agenda of Telco operators, being able to develop automation solutions for the control of Opex, or transform legacy infrastructure into flexible virtualized networks, with high automation rates.

Similarly crucial for the evolution of sector players is Lutech's expertise in the creation of Data Lake systems and dashboards for Big Data analysis, to monitor customer satisfaction and extract infrastructure use indicators with an end-to-end approach.

The team’s expertise is allows it to create new development prospects in an Industry 4.0 logic, thanks to the IoT offering, as well as to creating AR/VR solutions to support production.

Lutech’s experience in the industry enables us to offer an end-to-end approach, ranging from BSS/OSS, Intelligent Automation & AI solutions to IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and managed services.

BSS/OSS: Lutech's expertise in customer and operations management

From customer management, revenue management, product and order management to telecom network management and monitoring, the Lutech team guides telco operators in optimizing processes and achieving goals. 

Particularly in BSS and OSS Lutech has deep expertise both at the consulting level and at the level of the best solutions to implement, with a focus on the main needs of telco companies: 

  • BSS - Contact Center Solution, Customer Management, Product Management, Revenue Management Systems, Order Management, UX/CX, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Data Monetization, Unified Communications aaS (UCaaS)  

  • OSS - Network Inventory&Planning, Network Management, Orchestration and Automation (RAN, EDGE, Transport, CORE), ERP, DWH and Analytics, etc 


Intelligent automation & AI solutions - Telco use case

Lutech’s Intelligent Automation solutions are designed to reduce operating expenses through IA, combining Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

The objectives and specific areas of application include the following, in particular:

  • Monitoring solutions for KPIs of field fault management for the radio access network.
  • Solutions to support the improvement of customer satisfaction and customer services and CRM processes: from NLP solutions such as chatbots for 24/7 assistance, to solutions for classifying and tagging support requests (tickets) to direct them, for example, to the most appropriate center of competence and reduce the time required to close them.
  • Predictive maintenance solutions to monitor hundreds of typical KPIs of an operator’s network in real time, detect deviations from behavior deemed acceptable, once again in real time, and predict the occurrence of faults.                               

IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and managed services for business continuity of Telco operators

Hybrid cloud infrastructures created through partnerships with the best vendors allow Lutech to secure the operation of its Customers’ critical network infrastructures (DNS; Vulnerability Access & Management; Firewall Policies Orchestration; Network Access Controllers; VPN-SSL). In addition, these solutions protect the infrastructure itself and the applications from external attacks, but also from those originating within the perimeter of the operator’s network, thus reducing the inefficiencies that such attacks could have cause.

Another feather in Lutech's cap is its solutions aimed at guaranteeing Business Continuity and efficiency are the managed services, with which we manage all operational security and networking services SOC & NOC for the most important service providers, supporting feasibility, design, provisioning and assurance processes.

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Lutech end-to-end solutions

Case history

Telco ticket management is an extremely onerous activity; AI engines allow resources to be optimized


Perspectives and trends on Digital Transformation