manufacturing (1)


We transform data into value for your company, thanks to ERP and PLM platforms and the Industrial IoT, AI and Digital Twin, to evolve every manufacturing process, from sales & marketing, to production and after sales

Improving performance and customer service thanks to Digital Continuity


Digital Continuity Strategy

"Digital continuity is at the heart of the digital transformation in Manufacturing, and it is one of the main ways to accelerate process transformation and optimize operations. This is achieved by creating 'connected' factories through IoT, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and AR/VR

The key to success in Manufacturing today is the concept of "Digital Continuity," which shifts the focus from applications to the data that drives them. This data is essential for managing data-driven processes to improve business performance and customer experience, encompassing the entire product and customer lifecycle from ideation to after-sales support.

The evolution and transformation of the Manufacturing sector require a new way of interacting and connecting people, data, and technologies. Thus, Lutech Manufacturing emphasizes six strategic areas for the digital evolution of the sector.

  • AI & DIGITAL TWIN to enhance asset performance, operations, and predictive and prescriptive maintenance.
  • IOT & MES/MOM: Industry 5.0 is revolutionising the entire supply chain, and along with the following…
  • ERP, SCM, APS are enabling the smart manufacturing model to access all company data from a single point, improving efficiency and time-to-market.
  • CYBERSECURITY OT & TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM to support company performance and resilience.
  • CAD & PLM: Augmented Reality as a key factor in optimising the entire product lifecycle management.
  • CRM & CPQ: Digital Customer Engagement for a unified view of the customer, ensuring consistent production, sales, and planning aligned with real and reliable data.


Connected things

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Our solutions for the Smart Factory to enable Digital Continuity

Lutech’s manufacturing experience for end-to-end solutions

Case History

PLM software & IIoT to improve product quality

@1xANTEPRIMA Case Study PLM Discover more

The technological offering is now largely available from various Digital Companies, and therefore speed of implementation, integration capacity and reliability become critical success factors, decisive in becoming the ideal partner in the manufacturing digital transformation path.
Lutech is able to support its customers through the main sector challenges:

  • Increasing the efficiency of production processes and managing complexity
  • Integrating products and improving services
  • Globalization of supply
  • Transformation from product to service to ensure customer loyalty
  • Management of complexity through simplification and effectiveness 

Lutech is a leader in the area of product development for Manufacturing companies, supporting all phases, from design and production, to product data management, with over thirty years of experience in this particular area of skills and advanced PLM/CAD and AR/VR solutions.

These solutions help customers not only in the manufacturing of products, but also in their management in after-sales and service activities, as well as in the possibility to combine the sale of services with that of products. 

Lutech’s team has extensive knowledge of the processes of these types of companies and is a leader in the implementation of ERP for companies in the manufacturing field, and in particular in the automotive, mechanical, electromechanical, components and construction sectors.
In particular, it has developed strong expertise in complex production sectors based on product configurators and articulated bill of materials structures.

A real differentiating factor in Lutech’s offering is the coverage of both hardware and software needs in RFID&IOT: our expertise in the design and implementation of RFID sensor systems, sensor management platforms, and the data deriving from them, right through to the processing of data with AI and Analytics tools and the integration of platforms with business applications, make Lutech one of the few partners able to follow through on all phases of this complex path.

We are also one of the main technology partners able to manage and define the best solutions for data center management, choice of edge computing solutions, cloud management and migration

All these skills make Lutech a preferred partner in creating custom solutions for each individual customer by defining the best combination in the overall architecture: 

Case History

IoT solutions to optimize industrial production

@1xANTEPRIMA Case Study IOT Discover more

Lutech Manufacturing Team

Lutech’s Manufacturing team consists of 400 people spread across Germany, Spain and China. Our Chinese headquarters supports clients in their Far East globalization strategies, while our European companies have implemented ERP solutions and localized product management systems for China, Japan and other Far Eastern countries.

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Lutech end-to-end solutions

Case history


Perspectives and trends on Digital Transformation