
Lutech Group inaugurates its Next-Generation Security Operations Center


The Lutech Group responds to the challenges posed by 2020 opening its Next-Generation Security Operations Center-NG SOC at its Services Operations Center in Cinisello Balsamo (MI).

The Services Operations Center in Cinisello, which for more than 20 years has specialized in the provision of Managed Services, has now become the Lutech Group’s reference hub to implement its growth strategy in this field of activity. The Center extends over 3 thousand square meters and accommodates 330 work stations operating 24/7. The Center is equipped with redundant technological systems and can count on two branches in Padua and Turin.

All solutions are provided in accordance with the OASI (Outsourcing Advanced Services Integration) model, in which services are managed applying the Qualitative Full Outsourcing approach in order to solve the entire operative chain to support the Customer. In particular, the Lutech Group can count on a team of certified engineers and technicians capable of supporting a fully comprehensive range of services, comprising the Service Desk, Network Operations Center, Cloud Operations Center and Next-Generation Security Operations Center.

Through its NG SOC, the Lutech Group satisfies the growing demand for predictive and dynamic security solutions and services required by companies irrespective of their size and sector, ensuring effective management of security-related governance and operations.

"Cyber security can no longer be just a matter of risk mitigation today, it needs to be part of a company’s growth strategy - states Tullio Pirovano, CEO of Lutech -. It is in all respects a competitive advantage and guarantees correct management and protection of company data and full adherence to rules of compliance".

The team is made up of security experts and ethical hackers able to design dedicated or shared multi-level services (L1-L3), to ensure business continuity based on maximum efficiency, cost optimization and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).

1000+ Customers managed

The Next Generation SOC has been active for more than 15 years, managing IT security for more than a thousand corporate and public clients, handling over 30,000 security tickets for more than 3,000 devices managed

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The approach is dynamic, vendor independent and is developed in accordance with the CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment) model; the services offered are modular and scalable based on the specific requirements of the various sectors and risk profiles.

"The scalable model of provision of NG SOC’s services offers significant flexibility and the certainty of benefiting from services designed in accordance with the requirements of our Customers, who above all value the fifteen years’ experience of our NG SOC. Over time and thanks to the investments made by the Lutech Group, we have created a mix of processes, procedures and skills that distinguish us, above all for our capacity to efficiently manage high volumes while maintaining excellent standards of quality." - concludes Tullio Pirovano.

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