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Artificial Intelligence & RPA

From AI and Machine Learning to Robot Process Automation

In Italy, 33% of the main AI projects consist of Intelligent Data Processing,

followed by Natural Language Processing and Chatbot / Virtual Assistant development projects [Osservatorio Polimi per l’AI 2020]

The incredible proliferation of Big Data, advances in the development of algorithms and the improvement of computing and storage power have given the impetus to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be applied in concrete projects serving the business, within the various industries.

Lutech, thanks to its expertise in AI, Machine Learning and RPA, builds predictive models, robotizes repetitive processes and tasks to optimize business processes, obtain competitive advantages and pursue new business models, improving the customer experience.

The main applications of Artificial Intelligence techniques concern the use of unstructured digitized data, such as free text, voice, images or videos, just to name a few practical use cases:

  • The classification of multimedia catalogs in broadcasting to customize the offer of content to the end customer
  • The improvement of customer service and therefore of customer satisfaction, optimizing the management of assistance tickets
  • The reduction of management costs and risks using NLP techniques, reducing repetitive and time consuming activities of work teams
  • The provision of recommendations on the steps and activities to be implemented to achieve the set goals, thanks to Machine learning algorithms that detect models and "learn" to make predictions and provide indications by processing data and experience, from a predictive point of view, for truly datadriven organizations

The focus of the projects carried out relates to three distinct but closely related areas in the corporate ecosystems:

  • COMPLIANCE: tasks such as quality assurance, fraud detection and revenue assurance act to improve understanding of business processes and outputs and ensure a high quality organization.
  • OPERATIONS: process automation, anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, image recognition, ticket analysis, log analytics, optimization & forecasting, Sales & Operational Planning, Budgeting & Closing are essential for planning corporate strategies and improve communication between departments.
  • SALES & MARKETING: Customer database analysis, Customer intelligence, Churn Analysis, Purchasing Behavior, Business KPI, Sales forecasting complete processes and enhance business strategies.

Case History

How to build a broadcasting machine learning engine for a video big data set with Google Cloud Platform and integrated tools.

@1xBG BIG COVER Case Study Sky AI Go

Use cases AI / ML for process areas

AI Consulting – Full service Data Science Project

Artificial Intelligence and the analysis of huge amounts of targeted information are important vectors of change: Lutech's Consulting services and full services Data Science projects are born from these technologies. The dynamism of these resources is ideal both to improve business operations and to build customized services tailored to each customer, with a view to expanding their market, thanks to Data Management, Big Data Analysis, Price, Sales & Demand activities. Forecasting, Risk Analysis.

End-to-end applications and use cases of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) integrates the knowledge acquired from the analysis of a large amount of data with the ability to improve decision-making processes, supporting business teams to produce faster and more effective results.

Case History

Starting from the Google Cloud Platform, Lutech has built a machine learning system capable of reducing the management time of assistance tickets.

@1xBG BIG COVER Case Study ticket clustering Go

Lutech's end-to-end approach is aimed at harmonizing processes and optimizing outputs, with the design and development of integrated applications in the following areas:

a) NLP (Natural Language Processing)

Solutions that automatically process natural language, from text or speech, to initiate automated processes, such as:

  • Chat bots, for the management of automated customer service services
  • Chat advisor: automated services that suggest answers to the back end operator based on archived historical series
  • Solutions that process and analyze voices (voice processing & analysis)
  • Sentiment analysis, thanks to the semantic and evolved understanding of unstructured texts
  • Automatic translation of texts and metadata enrichment

b) Video and image analysis

Solutions that exploit technologies such as object detection and face recognition, classification of visual content and that make videos "searchable" through ad hoc search engines, allowing:

  • Tagging of objects or people in movies, in order to create classifications and multimedia catalogs
  • Recognition of specific scenes based on shared parameters
  • Classification of diagnostic images in healthcare

c) Content & Data Classification

Solutions for the categorization of information and data, such as:

  • Solutions for document management
  • Solutions for measuring quality in manufacturing production processes (quality assurance)
  • Classification of a trouble ticketing based on the analysis of the text of the open ticket
  • Email classification
  • Identification of the best work team by type of task

d) Anomaly detection and Predictive maintenance

Extraction of data to quickly detect anomalies, errors and specific behaviors, find correlations between events and then create predictive models capable of detecting problems and anomalies in a preventive manner in various areas, such as:

  • Predict anomalies in IT systems
  • Analyze the evolution of the data that generate errors and problems
  • Preventing frauds based on data correlation
  • Reduce the maintenance effort
  • Solutions for logistics optimization

e) Clustering

Grouping of similar objects without knowing their a priori characteristics, by areas of similarity, such as:

  • Customer segmentation
  • IT Alert Segmentation

f) Time series recommendations

:Recommendations and suggestions on a "historical" and behavioral basis, mainly in the area of purchases:

  • Product recommendation
  • Sales forecast
  • Content recommendation, with suggestions for example of similar films/books by plot and subject

Case History

Ottimizzazione dei processi di backend e delle soluzioni IT grazie all’automation e all’AI.

RPA & Intelligent Automation

Robot Process Automation (RPA) aims to automate the execution of operational and administrative processes (mainly back office), emulating the activity of a human resource and interacting with other applications, to avoid repetitive and time consuming activities, for example:

  • Compilation of web forms
  • Data extraction, migration and control or data reconciliation on multiple systems
  • Ticket lifecycle management in Service Desk and Service Operation areas
  • Self-service & self-provisioning processes (Customer Service, HR, etc.)
  • Payroll processing
  • Booking and appointment management
  • Evaluation of requests and management of practices (e.g. mortgages, loans, ...)
  • Launch applications
  • Document processing, control and distribution
  • ...

In order to simplify critical processes with RPA, it is necessary to have structured digitized data and repeatedly executed tasks, based on rules and well documented processes, with limited exception handling.

The advantages of introducing RPA technologies

  • Extend the lifecycle of existing technologies: With the ability to access data from multiple disparate sources such as legacy, ERP and external systems, the automation of robotic processes does not require the redesign of old processes or the creation of fundamental platforms for your operations
  • Optimize the speed of processes and productivity, as it allows you to adapt processes based on changing requirements or the emergence of new ones
  • Reduce the costs of the services provided, with optimization of FTEs, with resources that can focus on more strategic and valuable activities
  • Improve data quality, reducing compliance risks related to human error, limiting manual changes to data and thereby increasing accuracy and reliability, for a better customer experience
  • Increase flexibility by dynamically reconfiguring robots based on workloads, with 24X7 extension of operational services

From a technological point of view, Lutech's approach in building its offer in the field of automation follows three main directions, which are integrated with each other:

  1. Adoption of the UiPath platform, a market-leading enterprise solution in the RPA field
  2. Design and implementation of custom solutions based on Selenium, the most popular application framework for web browser automation
  3. Integration of Cognitive/AI skills and solutions to build a proposal for Intelligent Automation services

RPA is in effect a technology that is actively contributing to the evolution of digital transformation for companies in all sectors and all functions.

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Case history


Lutech end-to-end solutions


Vision & Trends on Digital Transformation