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Data Intelligence & Analytics

"Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine"

Peter Sondergaard

Vice President and Global Head of Research at Gartner, Inc.

Having access to huge amounts of data underlies the competitive advantage of companies in any industry. But this is not enough.

In order to exploit the power of data and extract KPIs which are usefulfor Business, it is necessary to understand the Big Data wich are available and use them correctly. Artificial Intelligence (AI) integrates the knowledge gained from the analysis of a large amount of data with the ability to improve decision-making processes, supporting business teams to producing faster and more effective results.

Lutech's Big data & AI consultants work alongside clients with solutions that improve the customer experience and optimize business processes in order to pursue new business models. The focus of these projects involves three distinct yet closely related areas in the company’s ecosystems:

  • COMPLIANCE: tasks such as product quality prediction, fraud detection and revenue assurance act to improve the understanding of processes, and company outputs, and to ensure high-quality organization.
  • OPERATIONS: process automation, image recognition, ticket analysis, log analytics, optimization & forecasting, sales & operational planning, and budgeting & closing are essential to the planning of business strategies and improve communication between departments.
  • CRM SALES & MARKETING: Customer database analysis, customer intelligence, churn analysis, purchasing behaviour, business KPI,  and sales forecasting conclude processes and strengthen business strategies.

From Data To Solution

Lutech’s Cognitive Team follows the CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process Data Mining) approach to managing projects that focuses on company and end customer data.

The initial phase of defining business objectives and customer needs, together with the data study phase, is fundamental to implementing data modeling in the development phase. Only with these preconditions will it be possible to use this new information to resolve the business pain points that led to the project.

Lutech’s Business Consultants, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Data Science Managers and Cloud & Big Data Architects are able to identify the strengths and  weaknesses of companies in every sector, thanks to flexible and integrated solutions:

Consultancy and development of Business Intelligence & Corporate Performance Management projects

Selecting really useful information is not only essential for monitoring and optimizing business processes and performance, it is also the basis for building optimal business plans and actively seizing each new opportunity. Sharing the strategic KPIs to be reached in the areas of Financial Reporting & Planning, Fast Closing, Budgeting & Forecasting lies at the heart of Lutech' s BI and CPM activities.

Case History

Predictive business intelligence nel manufacturing

@1xANTEPRIMA Case BI_CPM Discover more

AI Consulting – Full service Data Science Project

Artificial Intelligence and the analysis of huge amounts of targeted information are important vectors of change: these technologies are the building blocks for Lutech’s Consulting services and full-service Data Science projects. The dynamism of these resources is ideal both to improve business operations and to build customized services tailored to each client, with a view to expanding their market, thanks to following activities:

  • Data Management
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Price, Sales, Demand Forecasting
  • Risk Analysis
  • Upsell Opportunity Analysis

Big data, BI & Advanced Analytics solutions

Machine Learning

Cloudera is one of Lutech's main partners

Lutech’s mantra for building services from Big data to advanced analytics is to look for answers in the data that solve business problems and reverse declining trends. It is thus possible to design new business models, which would be impossible to imagine without this activity:

  • PLATFORM and APPLICATION MANAGEMENT: Design, installation and constant monitoring of key information.
  • SECURITY: Integration of the customer identification and access system (IAM Solution), data encryption, multi-tenancy mode for complete peace of mind.
  • DATA GOVERNANCE: Management of the entire data lifecycle ensuring high data quality and effective data protection (GDPR compliance, data masking, data anonymization).
  • DATA INGESTION: Analysis of data source systems and implementation of supply processes through to the data analysis.
  • DATA REPOSITORY: Management of Data Warehouse systems, implementation of Data Lakes, and integration with Data Warehouse environments, both on premises and in-cloud.
  • DATA SCIENCE: Machine learning & AI services, Data discovery.
  • DATA VISUALIZATION: Business Intelligence and Reporting resource.
  • ADVISORY: Advice on the best platform/product combinations for client projects, security checks, performance reviews, cloud migration.


Lutech is a certified Talend partner


End-to-end applications in the Video and Image Analysis, Anomaly Detection Solutions, RPA, NPL field

Case History

Improving Telco customer care with NLP

@1xANTEPRIMA Case Study ticket clustering Discover more

Lutech’s end-to-end approach is aimed at harmonizing processes and optimizing outputs, with design and development of integrated applications in:

  • NLP (Natural Language Processing): Solutions that automatically process natural language such as chat advisors & bots, voice processing & analysis, sentiment analysis, metadata enrichment.
  • VIDEO AND IMAGE ANALYSIS: Solutions that exploit technologies such as object detection, face recognition, diagnostic image & content classification.
  • CLASSIFICATION: Categorization of information and data as solutions for document management and quality measurement in manufacturing processes.
  • ANOMALY DETECTION SOLUTION: Data extraction to quickly detect anomalies, errors and specific behaviors, find correlations between events and predict anomalies in IT systems, predictive maintenance, fraud, etc.
  • CLUSTERING & RECOMMENDATION: Client cluster segmentation services, product suggestions, etc.
  • ROBOT PROCESS AUTOMATION (RPA) AND TESTING: Automation of digital back-office and trigger processes in workflows as a tool for automated form population.

Case History

A search engine for multimedia content thanks to AI and the Google Cloud Platform 

BIGxANTEPRIMA Case Study Sky AI Discover more

Certified teams and established partnerships

Lutech’s Big Data & AI teams boast certifications on the most advanced tools and technologies:

  • Cisco Academy, Prince2, SCRUM
  • LoopAI Certified Professional, Coursera Machine Learning
  • Google Professional Cloud Data Engineer, Google Cloud Architect
  • AWS architect, Azure MCSE
  • Cloudera
  • Talend
  • Qlikview
  • Confluent
  • Streamsets
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Case history


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