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Lutech Group reinforces its role as Dell Technologies Titanium Partner

The Titanium level is recognition of greater expertise, a wider range of solutions and the large number of completed projects


Dell Technologies

Resume in full security, redefine data protection measures and protect them from Ransomware attacks.


Lutech Group once again confirms itself as one of the most highly referenced Italian Titanium Partners of Dell Technologies, by size and number of completed projects. By reconfirming the Titanium partnership, Dell Technologies recognizes Lutech Group’s higher level of expertise and its role as a consolidated provider of its solutions.
Lutech Group – Dell Technologies partner since 2002 – has nurtured this partnership over the years, constantly growing its offering with the release of new technologies and increasing the levels of certification of its dedicated team, now made up of more than 60 specialists in different fields of expertise.
Dell Technologies and Lutech Group represent a specific point of reference in the Italian ICT landscape. The acquisition of Sinergy and Disc has also helped keep its portfolio of expertise and certifications updated. Today, Lutech Group is able to provide its clients with the highest levels of choice and experience of Dell Technologies solutions.

Next Generation IT Infrastructures

Performance and availability at the service of the Customers' business.

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