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ERP -Enterprise Resource Planning solutions

The data-driven technology model, which companies are currently converting to, has led to a strategic review of each business application asset. In this perspective, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), previously considered a commodity which was essential but not differentiating, now takes on a completely new role, as a key application asset of digital transformation towards the search for increasingly competitive corporate performance.

In a receptive corporate environment, if the ERP project is innovation-driven and consistent with business targets, it can also act as a hub for and boost all other related application systems which enable the transformation of processes, organizations and technologies. Form this point of view, the ERP becomes a genuine Digital Hub to better serve customers and reduce costs and timeframes.

Digital HUB

The ERP solution offered by Lutech is structured so as to cover all corporate functions, each with its own dedicated module, turning it into the company’s neural system.

Choosing an Enterprise Resource Planning Software today

Case History

A next-generation ERP platform to provide an on-demand service to customers

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What should the decision factors be when choosing a next-generation ERP?

  • Big data, data visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) are at the top of the list of new technologies that have radically influenced the way modern ERP systems developed, given the strategic value of extracting information and KPIs useful to the business from unstructured data.
  • The performance of ever-larger databases, due to the growing amount of data to be managed, in support of the business application ecosystem.
  • Marketing requirements (interaction with external platforms for matching customer data).
  • The Internet of Things (IoT): the number of devices connected to the Internet is growing and, as a result, the number of data generated and to be processed that are channeled into the ERP is increasing. In addition, as non-rationalized data grows, processing hubs will require new intelligence.

This trend, if properly exploited, offers better supervision over aspects such as the supply chain, and relationships with logistics partners, as well as providing more data to the total pool for better decision making by the ERP itself.

For the ERP to exploit these assets, companies need to be aware of the IoT technologies they use and intend to implement in the near future. They must have full control over the types of data generated and clear ideas on how to use it to improve their operations.

International end-to-end ERP projects with Lutech


Connected things: the exchange of data between the company and the end user

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Expertise in all corporate processes and sectors: finance and accounting, management control, production and assembly, order management, sales and purchasing, logistics and warehousing, service and support.

Lutech, in light of national and international references relating to ERP processes of a certain size and scope, is able to carry out end-to-end ERP projects, in the cloud and on premises, in hybrid and private environments, which offer flexible cover for all sectors and business processes.

Lutech’s ERP Business Unit is particularly focused on the implementation of international Enterprise Resource Planning projects for the management of production, logistics, accounting and management control, designed to meet the needs of modern Italian manufacturing companies, with particular attention to those enterprises engaged in internationalization.
To ensure integrated corporate governance, including on a multi-location and multinational level, and full integration with other business platforms, Lutech is structured to support companies with complementary services for the ERP implementation project:

  • Process analysis as the basis for the ERP’s implementation requirements
  • Digital mapping of Supply Chain processes involved in the ERP system
  • Correspondence between software modules and processes in an ERP system with customization and parameterization
  • Support to handle the impacts of the changes (change management) caused by adoption of the new system, and relative training
  • Project management, project team management and identification of key users
  • Secure migration of data from the legacy system(s)
  • Delivery and planning of future projects, continuously fine-tuning and optimizing results
  • International AM support

Expertise on all business industry and processes

finance and accounting, management control, production and assembly, order management, sales and purchasing area, logistics and warehouse, service and assistance

The challenges of an ERP project with Lutech

  • Managing production, logistics, accounting and management control.
  • Planning resources and integrating business processes to improve business performance.
  • Centralizing all data and information regarding production budget, planning and forecasting in a single hub.
  • Facilitating innovation of corporate processes.
  • Making the supply chain flexible and personalizing it to meet customer needs and product specifics.

Lutech’s vision and the technology identified to implement it, Infor LN, enhance Enterprise Resource Planning projects, and is able to follow business changes, preside over business performance and ensure targets are met by performing analysis and simulations and detecting patterns and signs indicating problems before they occur.

Infor LN, the ERP that exploits the industry's best practices

Infor LN

The ERP solution offered by Lutech is structured so as to cover all corporate functions, each with its own dedicated module, turning it into the company’s neural system.

Lutech can count on one of the best technologies in the field for the implementation of ERP projects: Infor LN, a global Manufacturing Cloud Software ERP, available in both on premises and cloud versions. The solution, available in 21 languages and localized for 49 different countries, contains tools for customizing processes without modifications to the source code. Infor LN also supports ETO, MTO, MTS and Repetitive Manufacturing processes and leverages integrated business processes based on industry best practices. It also ensures full control of the production chain to adapt to last-minute client changes and complex products, and provides extended supply chain visibility which ranges from manufacturing to shipping, service, warranty and maintenance.

The ERP solution proposed by Lutech is structured in such a way as to cover all company functions, each with its own dedicated module, transforming it into the neural system of the company.

In accordance with Lutech, clients have full freedom to activate and use only the modules needed to manage the required activities, thus providing a custom ERP suite.

Optimization of resource planning and integration of all company processes is ensured through a technology platform with a high level of functional coverage. Finally, data will flow into a single location, overcoming the problems of dispersion and inconsistent information. 

Such a proposal is now able to support all internal and external corporate processes in accordance with the Extended Enterprise paradigm, accessible through simplified and streamlined user interfaces. On the other hand, inevitably, the Industry 4.0 era forces companies to look beyond compartmentalized business management to a global digital innovation that leads to the integration of the entire corporate information system in a single efficient, optimized and complete platform.

Dynamics 365 Business Central: functional completeness, operational flexibility and optimal performance

Dynamics 365 Business Central

The ERP solution proposed by Lutech for small and medium-sized enterprises, available in On Prem and SaaS modes. Dynamics 365 Business Central allows the integrated management of company business, in a simple and scalable way

In order to develop ERP projects in the small and medium enterprise sector, Lutech has chosen the best Microsoft technology. With Dynamics 365 Business Central, companies reduce development costs and increase overall efficiency, simplify processes and orient themselves towards the most appropriate decisions. Dynamics 365 Business Central simplifies the monitoring of finance, sales, warehouse and production areas, thanks to key indicators that effectively guide the business. With Dynamics 365 Business Central, companies can therefore work more efficiently and quickly, simplify management, accelerate sales processes, optimally support customers, optimize the supply chain, manage inventory and production.

The Dynamics 365 Business Central environment is fully integrated with Microsoft productivity solutions such as: Microsoft 365, Power BI, email, SharePoint and BizTalk.

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Case history

Meeting performance and flexibility goals thanks to a next-generation ERP platform to provide an on-demand service to customers


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