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Lutech CDM and Advantage Srl join forces to strengthen competencies and offerings for the Manufacturing sector

Advantage Srl has been merged by incorporation into Lutech CDM Spa

UPDATE - On January 1 2024, Advantage Srl has been merged by incorporation into Lutech CDM Spa. This significant operation enables the combined entities to offer a broader portfolio, increased operational capacity, and more solutions to meet the business needs of client companies.

Advantage Srl leased its business to Lutech CDM Spa (formerly CDM Tecnoconsulting SpA) starting January 1, 2023. Both companies are part of the Lutech Group, a leading IT services and solutions provider in Italy and a key player in Europe, and are recognized as excellences in the Manufacturing sector.

Following its recent renaming, this represents another evolutionary milestone for Lutech CDM Spa, aligned with the group’s growth strategy, which will consolidate the union between the two companies. The group aims to create an entity capable of addressing the challenges of growth and transformation in the manufacturing sector.

This successful merger ensures the creation of integrated and customized solutions for Italian manufacturing companies, enabling rapid decision-making, project development, and execution. Through this operation, the Manufacturing practice is consolidated as a unique entity within the Lutech Group, marking a new achievement in the group's growth journey and reinforcing its position as one of the leading players in the Italian market. 

“This is a significant operation that allows these combined entities to offer a broader portfolio and greater operational capacity, providing more ways to meet the business needs of companies in the sector," said Tullio Pirovano, CEO of Lutech. "This consolidation will enhance the quality of the Lutech Group's offerings, raising the high standard of IT solutions provided to Italian manufacturing companies, a strategic sector and key player in digital transformation projects that we have long been involved in”. 

“This operation aligns with the leap in quality achieved with our entry into the Lutech Group, enabling us to expand our offerings with new services for the Manufacturing sector. Today, one of the crucial steps for manufacturing companies is digital continuity," stated Manfredo D’Alessandro Caprice, CEO of Advantage (Lutech Group). "It's essential to create a data flow accessible to all company functions, and for this reason, we are now even more committed to defining solutions that combine technologies and competencies with Lutech CDM”. 

“The unification of Lutech CDM and Advantage's strengths aims to create a leading entity in digital solutions for the Manufacturing sector and represents another piece in Lutech CDM’s growth strategy," said Antonio Riso, CEO of Lutech CDM. "Developing holistic solutions that associate an increasing number of different technologies for digital continuity positions us as a key player in the manufacturing sector, with a unique strategy in the Italian market offering everything from CRM, PLM, IoT/AR, ERP to MES”. 


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