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Unareti wins thanks to the project carried out by Lutech Group and Able Tech

The DigiWorks project will save up to 13,000 kg of paper and more than 12,000 kg of CO2 per year


Lutech Group, alongside Able Tech – an Italian software house specialized in the development of solutions for managing information and corporate processes – has completed another major project in the Italian Energy market.

Thanks to their long-standing partnership, the two IT partners successfully completed the DigiWorks project for Unareti, winner of the Smau 2020 Innovation Prize.

Unareti DigiWorks is a portal accessible via web or mobile app designed for all phases of site management. From design to construction, right through to accounting and final testing of the materials. The project, started as part of a dematerialization process, achieves various goals.

With the goal of minimizing materials and energy, DigiWorks has allowed Unareti to increase its corporate sustainability index. The solution will indeed be able to manage 200,000 documents digitally, allowing savings of up to 13,000 kg of paper and 12,350 kg of CO2 per year.

Moreover, procedures were significantly sped up thanks to real-time availability and instant sharing of all site documentation and with circulation of information required both by the internal work team and external players. This allowed for significant reductions in approval times of activities, with a consequent drop in site lead times.

Lutech Group and Able Tech worked closely together on the implementation and customization of the ARXivar platform, the corporate process management system with important documentation functionalities which allows total digitization of processes, improving smart working and on-field staff activities.

ARXivar, as customized for the DigiWorks project for Unareti, makes document exchange agile throughout the entire site lifecycle; this is reinforced by the possibility to make use of all the service’s functions regardless of the device used (smartphone, tablet or desktop PC).

ARXivar is a platform which allows all of a company or department’s information to be concentrated in a single location in order to manage it in a secure and simple manner


“The implementation of the DigiWorks project for Unareti is the result of a perfect combination of the ability to grasp market requirements of Lutech Group, with twenty years’ experience with the main Energy, Utilities and Transportation companies in Italy, and Able Tech, a dynamic and reactive software house with extensive experience in the same sectors,” stated Emilio Vandelli, Industry Leader Energy, Utilities & Transportation of Lutech Group.

Following the key data-gathering phase for the client Unareti, the two partners proceeded with implementation and integration of the ARXivar information&process management platform, available as a web app for the client and suppliers’ operating divisions. Lutech Group, already Unareti’s IT partner, completely fulfilled its role of systems integrator, and after initial analysis of the requirements and processes, handled the activities of integrating the solution within the entire application system, with the goal of providing a homogeneous and complete documentation flow.

“I like to define Able Tech as a “factory” of technology and expertise which stands beside its partners to extend and integrate their core business, and from this point of view, the Unareti project in partnership with Lutech certainly represents a successful example,” stated Laura De Zio, Able Tech Marketing Manager. By combining the flexible and extensive functionalities of the ARXivar platform, by its nature cross-sectoral and applicable to all corporate departments and market sectors, partners like Lutech Group, thanks to its specific customer and contextual skills, are always able to best adapt the platform to the specified requirements. It is not by chance that Able Tech chose from the very beginning to operate through an indirect channel, in other words to position itself as a technological partner for documentation and workflow components for companies in the ICT sector (software houses, systems integrators and consultancies).”

The joint project by Lutech Group and Able Tech once again highlights the value of sharing process management and integration and application development expertise in digital transformation projects. The Italian market is once again wholeheartedly demonstrating its need and desire for solutions for the digitization, optimization and unification of business processes to be created with the introduction of innovative tools, but also by making the most of the applications already present in the company.


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