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Optimization and balancing of energy infrastructure

The role of AI for a leading Italian company operating in the energy, water, and environment sectors



The New Challenges of the Energy Sector and the Role of AI in Energy Network Balancing

Il ruolo dell’AI nel settore Energy_Preview Ideas (1) Learn more

The use of AI in balancing energy networks is at the core of one of the solutions based on genetic algorithms adopted by a leading Italian company specializing in energy, water, and environment, and optimized by the Lutech Group.

These algorithms represent a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) known as evolutionary computation, drawing inspiration from biological principles of natural evolution. They excel in solving complex optimization, design, and simulation problems across a wide array of sectors beyond energy, including electronics, biology, and economics.

Artificial Intelligence & RPA

From AI and Machine Learning to Robotic Process Automation

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The benefits

For end customers, this could represent a significant enhancement in customer experience in terms of service continuity and reliability.

The implementation of genetic algorithms could lead to a series of significant advantages for both the leading Italian company in energy, water, and environmental sectors and its end customers:

  • Reduced service outage times
  • Optimization of electricity distribution on the grid 
  • Lower operational costs

The outcomes

The project's objective was to leverage efficient implementation of operations and parallelization to reduce execution times, incorporating HPC computational power through the optimization of genetic algorithms. This process aims to enhance the performance and efficiency of these algorithms.

Thanks to this optimization, the Client has achieved outstanding results:

  • Reduction of execution times for a network balancing algorithm from approximately 10 hours to just 6 minutes
  • 10x reduction in operational costs
  • Improved quality of solutions, with greater adherence to electricity network balancing objectives and quicker convergence towards optimal results

In conclusion, the partnership between the leading Italian company specializing in energy, water, and environment, and Lutech, has demonstrated how Artificial Intelligence combined with High-Performance Computing (HPC) can lead to numerous benefits in the energy sector. This collaboration ensures a more efficient distribution of electrical energy, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

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